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New Poll Shows “Bipartisan Majority” of Oregon Voters Support Public Health Approach to Drug Use and Addiction

Christine Drazan and Betsy Johnson Out-of-Step with Voters on Addiction Recovery and Measure 110

[Portland, OR] – New data released this week by Data for Progress shows that the vast majority of Oregon voters believe that drug use and addiction should be addressed through the public health system rather than the criminal system.

The poll gauged support for Measure 110, which voters passed in 2020 to decriminalize possession of small amounts of drugs and increase funding for addiction services. The survey found that across Oregon, a majority of voters do not want to repeal Measure 110 and continue to “overwhelmingly support” individual provisions of Measure 110.

While Republican Christine Drazan and conservative Betsy Johnson are out-of-line with most voters in calling for the repeal of Measure 110, Tina is the only candidate for Governor who is committed to delivering on its key components, including:

  • Expanding peer support mentoring for those struggling with substance abuse,
  • Helping people find and retain jobs, 
  • Increasing funding for addiction services, and
  • Connecting people with safe and secure housing. 

The new survey found that all of these components are backed by significant majorities of Democrats, Independents, and Republicans.

“As Governor, Tina will make sure that the state is delivering on what voters demanded: expanded recovery services statewide so that as soon as someone struggling with addiction is ready for treatment, they can find the support they need in their community right away,” said Katie Wertheimer, communications director. “Christine Drazan and Betsy Johnson want to go against the will of the voters and keep kicking the can down the road. Lives are on the line, and Oregonians do not want to go backward.”

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